Evaluation of Truth Curiosity

Christophe chris.cavalaria at free.fr
Thu Sep 21 05:31:07 EDT 2006

James Stroud a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I'm curious, in
> py> 0 | (1 == 1)
> 1
> py> False | (1 == 1)
> True
> What is the logic of the former expression not evaluating to True (or 
> why the latter not 1?)? Is there some logic that necessitates the first 
> operand's dictating the result of the evaluation? Or is this an artefact 
> of the CPython implementation?
> James

| is the binary or operator, not the truth value operator. Also, True == 
1 and False == 0. Always use the "or" and "and" keywords for truth 

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