Problems with PyGridTableBase

Mario Lacunza mario.lacunza at
Sat Sep 9 01:03:06 EDT 2006


I attach two files:frmClientes and frmClientesNE.

frmClientes charge a Grid with resume Costumers data: Name, Commercial
ID, address, etc. and edition options.

frmClientes in 

Line 178
def OnBtnNuevoButton(self, event):

call to frmClientesNE. Its append a new record to the database and clear
all controls and when I close it, the grid in frmClientes: grClte must
be recharge with the new data, but that dont work. Only work when a
Delete some record.

I couldnt send yours a runable .py version, because both of them files
pickup data from a Firebird's database. 

I try to implement the wxPython Demo model: Grid_MegaExample, follow
that my class Grilla must be:

Line 224:
class Grilla(Grid.Grid):

but for the Boa Constructors controls creation I couldnt inherit from
Grid.Grid, thats my problem, I need your help I try for two days and
nothing :-( ... some ideas??

Thanks in advance!!

Mario Lacunza <mario.lacunza at>
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