tuples, index method, Python's design
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Tue Apr 10 13:15:06 EDT 2007
BJörn Lindqvist:
> > One might perversely allow extension to lists and tuples to allow
> > [3, 4] in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
> > to succeed, but that's forcing the use case beyond normal limits. The
> > point I am trying to make is that circumstances alter cases, and that we
> > can't always rely on our intuition to determine how specific methods
> > work, let alone whether they are available.
> I'd love to have that! There are at least one million use cases for
> finding a sequence in a sequence and implementing it yourself is
> non-trivial. Plus then both list and tuple's index methods would work
> *exactly* like string's. It would be easier to document and more
> useful. A big win.
Sublist search (and generally adding a bit of pattern matching
features to Python) looks far from being perverse, it may even become
pythonic ;-)
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