editing scripts on a mac
Tommy Nordgren
tommy.nordgren at comhem.se
Fri Apr 27 12:45:17 EDT 2007
On 27 apr 2007, at 18.08, Steve Holden wrote:
> I am teaching someone Python by email, and part of our conversation
> recently ran as follows:
> him> How do I save a script and run it?
> me > Do you have a text editor? If so, edit the script in that, then
> save it
> me > in your home directory (the place you can see when you open the
> terminal
> him> I do not have a text editor, but here are the answers to
> him> questions 1-5.
> Now, frankly, I don't think this answer is correct, since I know OS
> X is
> a UNIX derivative, but I am loathe to involve a programming noob
> with vi
> or something similar. So I wondered if one of the c.l.py mac users
> could
> give brief instructions for firing up a visual text editor of some
> sort
> and saving a file somewhere it can easily be accessed from a terminal
> window (which I presume starts up in his home directory).
> regards
> Steve
Text Wrangler (www.barebones.com) and Alpha/Tk
are both excellent GUI programmers editors that run on Mac.
Alpha/Tk is open-sourced as well
What is a woman that you forsake her, and the hearth fire and the
home acre,
to go with the old grey Widow Maker. --Kipling, harp song of the
Dane women
Tommy Nordgren
tommy.nordgren at comhem.se
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