curses module

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at
Mon Apr 2 17:00:01 EDT 2007

Kenneth McDonald schrieb:
> I know that the curses module has a long-standing bug wherein cursor
> visibility can't be set. 
> This isn't criticism, I just know that the curses module is the sort of
> thing that probably isn't being maintained consistently, and I for one,
> have no idea how well all the new terms in common use maintain the sort
> of backwards compatibility python curses will need to do its job.

This isn't criticism either, but... if you know it has a long-standing
bug, why didn't you submit a patch yet? If you had submitted one for
Python 2.1 (say), the problem wouldn't be relevant today. If you submit
one today, the problem won't be relevant for Python 2.8, or Python 3.0.


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