recursion depth problem
12cc104 at
Mon Apr 23 00:02:45 EDT 2007
On Apr 22, 9:28 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at> wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2007 19:13:31 -0700, proctor <12cc... at> declaimed the
> following in comp.lang.python:
> > :-)
> > this is good stuff. for learning especially! thank you again!
> Took me some time to find... My 30year old BugBooks* are in storage,
> along with all the other raw comp-sci texts.
> What you see above is a Python implementation of a 2 1-bit input,
> 1-bit sum and 1-bit carry output, full-adder from basic AND/OR/XOR gates
> -- you can build the hardware equivalent (except for the variable
> length) using old-fashioned 74xx chips (are 74xx TTL chips still made,
> or will one need to use the 74Cxx CMOS variants <G>) [heck; is the
> multi-function ALU chip still made?]
> * The Virginia Tech shootings were just a blip on my radar until I
> read that this was Blacksburg -- as I once had most of the Blacksburg
> BugBooks
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
> wlfr... at wulfr... at
> HTTP://
> (Bestiaria Support Staff: web-a... at
> HTTP://
well i'm going to make it a project to understand properly this
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