I18n issue with optik

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at o2.usun.pl
Sun Apr 1 16:02:15 EDT 2007

Thorsten Kampe napisaƂ(a):

>>> Under Windows I get " File "G:\program files\python\lib\encodings
>>> \cp1252.py", line 12, in encode
>>>    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_table)"
>> I'm not very experienced with internationalization, but if you change::
>>      gettext.install('test')
>> to::
>>      gettext.install('test', unicode=True)
>> what happens?
> No traceback anymore from optparse but the non-ascii umlauts are 
> displayed as question marks ("?").

And this is expected behaviour of encode() with errors set to 'replace'.
I think this is the solution to your problem. I was a bit surprised I
never saw this error, but I always use the unicode=True setting to

Jarek Zgoda

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