Feedback on Until recipe
Thomas Nelson
thn at
Tue Apr 24 12:08:23 EDT 2007
Occasionally someone posts to this group complaining about the lack of
"repeat ... until" in python. I too have occasionally wished for such
a construct, and after some thinking, I came up with the class below.
I'm hoping to get some feedback here, and if people besides me think
they might use it someday, I can put it on the python cookbook. I'm
pretty happy with it, the only ugly thing is you have to use a
lambda. Ideally i'd like to just see
while Until(i<3)
but that doesn't work.
Please tell me what you think, and thanks for your time.
class Until:
>>> i = 0
>>> while Until(lambda: i<3):
... print "hello"
... i += 1
>>> while Until(lambda: i<2): #note i still equals 3 here
... print "hello"
yet = True
def __init__(self, mybool):
if self.__class__.yet or mybool():
self.__class__.yet = False
self.ans = True
self.__class__.yet = True
self.ans = False
def __nonzero__(self):
return self.ans
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