recursion depth problem
12cc104 at
Sun Apr 22 22:13:31 EDT 2007
On Apr 22, 7:10 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at> wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2007 17:06:18 -0700, proctor <12cc... at> declaimed the
> following in comp.lang.python:
> > > else:
> > > # only one of carry in, b1, or b2 is set
> #or none is set! Missed the 0,0,0 condition <G>
> > > return (0, b1 + b2 + c)
> > thank you. you guys are keeping me busy!
> Heh... I'm sure what I scratched together could be optimized more
> (make functions out of the input/output conversions; add some error
> checking on input data, allow for non-list arguments in adder()...)
> After all, if one wants a binary counter, one should implement a
> binary addition operation, and basic digital has ways... Unfortunately,
> Python now has a Boolean type, so boolean AND/OR doesn't give the
> desired results... And using bitwise seems wasteful <G> However...
> replace the badd() with the following obscure thing if you really want
> to get close to hardware emulation...
> def badd(b1, b2, ci=0):
> """
> badd(b1, b2, ci) => (co, sum)
> """
> (co1, hs1) = (b1 & b2, b1 ^ b2)
> (co2, hs2) = (ci & hs1, ci ^ hs1)
> return (co1 | co2, hs2)
> A pair of "half-adders"; and the extra bit to make a "full-adder".
> It wouldn't be efficient to do it as one long return, just due to
> duplicated (b1 ^ b2) sub-terms
> return ( (b1 & b2) | (ci & (b1 ^ b2)), (ci ^ (b1 ^ b2)))
> but it does work <G>
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
> wlfr... at wulfr... at
> HTTP://
> (Bestiaria Support Staff: web-a... at
> HTTP://
this is good stuff. for learning especially! thank you again!
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