SOAPPY Install Issues

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue robert.rawlins at
Wed Apr 11 13:05:50 EDT 2007

Hi Guys,


I've been trying hopelessly -ALL- afternoon to get python-xml and
python-soappy working nicely, but for the -LIFE- of me I keep running into
the same brick wall over and over.


I'm running Debian and I've installed the latest stable builds of Python,
Python-XML and Python-SOAPPY along with all there depensancies but i get the
following error when trying to run my code.


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 1, in ?

    from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy

  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 5, in ?

    from Client      import *

  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 57, in ?

    from Parser      import parseSOAPRPC

  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/SOAPpy/", line 9, in ?

    import xml.sax

  File "/pblue/", line 1, in ?

    from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy

ImportError: cannot import name SOAPProxy


This is my Code:


from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy            

url = ''

namespace = 'urn:xmethods-Temperature'  

server = SOAPProxy(url, namespace)      



It's a very simple program, and its driving me bonkers not being able to get
it working, I'd appreciate any help you can offer to help resolve it.


Thanks guys, I'm sure this is just a typical NOOB mistake, but hopefully
once the damn thing is up and running it'll be clear sailing.



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