how to create/ref globals in an alternate namespace?

Steven W. Orr steveo at
Fri Apr 27 16:46:24 EDT 2007

I have two seperate modules doing factory stuff which each have the 
similar function2:

In the ds101 module, 
def DS101CLASS(mname,data):
     cname = mname+'DS101'
     msg_class = globals()[cname]
     msg = msg_class(data)
     return msg

and in the fdu module,

def FDUCLASS(mname,data):
     cname = mname+'FDU'
     msg_class = globals()[cname]
     msg = msg_class(data)
     return msg

I was thinking I'd be clever and create a common function:
def procCLASS(mname, objname, data):
     cname = mname+objname
     msg_class = globals()[cname]
     msg = msg_class(data)
     return msg

but the call to globals fouls it all up. Is there a way to write it so 
that the call to globals can be parameterized to be in the context of a 
specific module?

Also, I need to go the other way, a la,
         globals()[name] = nclass

Is this doable?


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steveo at

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