strange behaviour sys.argv
marcus at
Mon Apr 16 23:48:19 EDT 2007
On Apr 17, 3:00 pm, Charles Sanders <C.delete_this.Sand... at BoM.GOv.AU>
> Michael Hoffman wrote:
> > schnupfy wrote:
> >> I am not used to python and I am wondering about this thing:
> > This is not a Python question. It is a question about how to use bash.
> [snip]
> Michael is correct, it is a bash thing, nothing to do with python.
> bash (and other *nix like shells) generally break arguments on
> white space. Quoting (both single and double) overrides this with
> (slightly) different rules for different shells.
> > /root/mk/ critical "
> > SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 14:13:02:57.06 SNMPv2-
> > MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789.0.13 SNMPv2-
> > SMI::enterprises.789.0.2"cfCannotTakeover == 1 priority == critical"
> > MIB::snmpTrapCommunity.0 "public""
> Assuming this has been folded and actually is one long
> line (which the output confirms), you have passed the python
> script seven arguments
> '' (blank seperated)
> 'critical' (also blank seperated)
> a string extending from just after the first double quote to
> just before the second, ie starting with '' and
> ending with '789.0.2', with the immediately following (no
> white space) unquoted text 'fCannotTakeover' appended
> '==' (blank seperated)
> 'priority"
> '=='
> a string starting with critical, with the quoted string from
> 'SNMP-COMMUNITY' to 'Community.0 ' (including the blank), the
> unquoted string 'public', and the null quoted string "" all
> appended.
> > TRAP=' SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0
> > 14:13:02:57.06 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.
> > 789.0.13 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.789.0.2"cfCannotTakeover == 1
> > priority == critical" SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapAddress.0
> > SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapCommunity.0 "public"'
> > HOST=$(echo "$TRAP" | awk '{print $1}')
> > SEVERITY='critical'
> > /root/mk/ $HOST $SEVERITY \"$TRAP\"
> Here, the variables are expanded, and then split into
> arguments on white space unless quoted. The backslashes protect
> the double quotes so they are treated as normal characters, so
> the $TRAP variable is also split into arguments on white space.
> Quotes resulting from the substitution of $TRAP are also protected
> (ie are treated as ordinary characters).
> The result is
> '" (From $HOST)
> 'critical' (From $SEVERITY)
> '"' (Leading '"' from \", rest from
> $TRAP, blank seperated)
> '' (from $TRAP, blank seperated)
> 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0'
> and so on for the rest of the $TARP string, splitting it at
> white space. The last part of $TRAP, '"public"', has a double
> quote appended from the \".
> Python is giving exactly what the shell has given it in both cases.
> Charles
ok, thanks for the answers. I try to hand over the 3rd part (the long
trap) as one cmd argument. I will ask in a shell ng. Thanks again.
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