Dict Copy & Compare
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
robert.rawlins at thinkbluemedia.co.uk
Mon Apr 30 06:12:54 EDT 2007
Hello Tim,
Sorry, that 'value' was a slip up on my part, we're just dealing with keys
I get that a dict stores unique keys only but we're comparing the two dicts,
so when I say 'unique keys in dict 1' I basically mean all those keys that
are in dict one but not in dict 2. So imagine my 2 dicts with the following
Dict 1 Dict 2
------ -------
00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00
11:11:11:11 11:11:11:11
22:22:22:22 33:33:33:33
44:44:44:44 44:44:44:44
Now, 22:22:22:22 and 55:55:55:55 is unique to dict one, and 33:33:33:33 is
unique to dict 2, does that make sense? Sorry for not explaining this stuff
very well, being so new to dicts its easy to get confused with my terms.
I then want to pass those keys as a string value into my function as an
argument, like.
I'm hoping that your method will work for me, I've just got to spend my time
understanding what each step of it does.
Thanks again for all your help Tim,
-----Original Message-----
From: python-list-bounces+robert.rawlins=thinkbluemedia.co.uk at python.org
[mailto:python-list-bounces+robert.rawlins=thinkbluemedia.co.uk at python.org]
On Behalf Of Tim Golden
Sent: 30 April 2007 10:15
Cc: python-list at python.org
Subject: Re: Dict Copy & Compare
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
> I have two dicts, one named 'this' and the other named 'that'.
> I want to get all the unique keys from 'this' and log them into a file, I
> then want to take all the unique values from 'that' and log them into a
> separate file.
Couple of points which are confusing me:
1) Any dict can *only* have unique keys, ie you can't have
a key appearing more than once in a dictionary by
2) You speak of unique keys in "this" but unique values
in "that". Is that deliberate on your part? Might be, but
I'm not quite clear.
> I have functions set up for the logging, so I can call it like
> logThis(uniquekey) and logThat(uniquekey).
Here you refer to "uniquekey" in both cases, so maybe a
mistake above?
> So it's just a case of firstly returning a list of all keys that are in
> 'this' but NOT in 'that' and then visa versa, then loop over them
> the function.
OK, well following by example earlier:
d1 = dict (a=1, b=2, c=3)
d2 = dict (b=4, c=5, d=6)
s1 = set (d1) # => set of 'a', 'b', 'c'
s2 = set (d2) # => set of 'b', 'c', 'd'
s1_not_in_s2 = s1 - s2 # => set of 'a'
s2_not_in_s1 = s2 - s1 # => set of 'd'
for key in s1_not_in_s2:
print key, "=>", d1[key]
for key in s2_not_in_s1:
print key, "=>", d2[key]
Obviously there are more concise ways of representing
this; I'm just spelling the whole thing out to make it
clearer (I hope). If this approach seems fruitful, have
a look at the set typeit's a recentish addition to
Python but very useful for this kind of thing:
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