Databases with python

Anthony Irwin nospam at noemailhere.nowhere
Fri Apr 13 02:02:32 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I am interested in playing with python some more and am looking at 
writing an app with data stored in a database. I have experience with 
mysql but thought that their may be other better databases that can be 
more easily distributed with the program does anyone have any 
suggestions here?

I only use linux myself but I can foresee some windows people wanting 
to use what I create and if I am going to support windows then I might 
as well support mac too. (this is to say that the database should 
support the 3 main platforms in use)

Also is wxpython the best cross platform gui library it seems to be 
the best I have seen so far.

Kind Regards,
Anthony Irwin
email: anthony at the above domain, - www.

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