Newbie Question about sequence multiplication
Steve Holden
steve at
Wed Apr 4 18:48:12 EDT 2007
Scott wrote:
> Alright, so I've been trying to teach myself Python which, when compared to
> my attempt to learn C++, is going pretty well.
> But I've come across an issue that I can't figure out, so I figured I'd ask
> the pro's.
> Now it looks pretty weird in this format but it was copied exactly from IDLE
> *****code follows*******
> #What this program is suppose to do is print a sentence centered in a box
> sentence = raw_input('Sentence: ')
> screen_width = 80
> text_width = len(sentence)
> box_width = text_width + 6
> left_margin = (screen_width - box_width) // 2
> print
> print ' ' * left_margin + '+' + '-' * (box_width-2) + '+'
> print ' ' * left_margin + '| ' + ' ' * text_width + ' |'
> print ' ' * left_margin + '| ' + ' ' sentence + ' |'
There's a plus sign missing just here ..|
> print ' ' * left_margin + '| ' + ' ' * text_width + ' |'
> print ' ' * left_margin + '+' + '-' * (box_width-2) + ' |'
> print
> ****end code****
> Now that, even though copied straight from "Beginning Python: From Novice to
> Professional", returns :
> There's an error in your program: invalid syntax
How on Earth are you running these programs? That doesn't look like a
compiler error message!
> with the word sentence highlighted (not the sentence when I'm defining the
> name, the one in......uhm....the body of the code)
> Now if i put * before sentence as it is with the rest of the variables, it
> actually gets to the point where it asks me for the sentence, but after
> inputting my sentence I receive:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "D:/Programming/Python/sequence string multiplication example", line
> 16, in <module>
> print ' ' * left_margin + '| ' + ' ' * sentence + ' |'
> TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
The plus sign I've indicated adds (concatenates) the sentence you've
typed in to the other strings you are using.
> Why can't I get it to do what it's supposed to do? What am I
> missing/misunderstanding?
> Very simply all its supposed to do is something like this (now bear with me
> formating might distort this a bit lol)
> +------------------------------------+
> | |
> | Like This |
> | |
> +------------------------------------+
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
Good luck!
Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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