Beginner: Simple Output to a Dialog PyQt4
mansonmuni at
Mon Apr 23 20:54:43 EDT 2007
On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 03:15:00 +0200, David Boddie wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 April 2007 07:42, Glen wrote:
# Just to avoid any misunderstanding: the form is actually stored as XML.
# You can create C++ code with uic or Python code with pyuic4.
Right. I do remember noticing that when I opened one of the .ui files.
Thanks for the instructions. I'm tackling signals and slots next. I'll
be reading your post a few times, I'm sure. For the time being, just to
get myself off the ground and see some output, I imported my functions
from into my main with 'from cnt import cnt'. Then I passed my
QTextEdit object into my python code and output the contents of my file
f = file("filename", 'r')
for line in f:
Maybe you could point out some problems with doing it this way, but I'm at
the point now where I have to learn how to handle signals and slots. I'm
setting up an input dialog with several options, such as download a URL,
choose an existing file.
Your information will come in handy.
>> [quoted text muted]
> OK. Ideally, your window will contain a button (or some other control)
> that the user can click to execute the functions.
>> [quoted text muted]
> If, for example, you included a push button (QPushButton) in the form
> you created with Qt Designer, and called it executeButton, you could
> connect its clicked() signal to a function in cnt by including the
> following line after setting up the user interface:
> window.connect(ui.executeButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), cnt.myFunction)
> This assumes that your function is called myFunction(), of course.
> However, you wouldn't be able to get the output from this function back
> to the dialog just by using a signal-slot connection like this.
> One way to solve this would be to wrap the function using another
> function or instance that is able to modify the contents of the dialog.
> Another cleaner approach would be to subclass the user interface class
> (Ui_Dialog) and implement a custom slot that can both call the function
> and modify the dialog.
> For example:
> class Dialog(QDialog, Ui_Dialog)
> def __init__(self, parent = None):
> QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
> self.setupUi(self)
> self.connect(self.executeButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
> self.callFunction)
> def callFunction(self):
> data = cnt.myFunction()
> # Do something with the data.
> Hope this gets you started,
> David
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