Pyserial example program error: win32file.SetupComm reports 'Incorrect function.'
hg at
Sat Apr 7 05:36:05 EDT 2007
Ron Jackson wrote:
> Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>> On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:14:39 -0800, Ron Jackson
>> <Ron at> declaimed the following in
>> comp.lang.python:
>>>I am using Python 2.5 on Windows XP. I have installed Pyserial and
>>>win32all extensions.
>> 2.4 on XP Pro SP2...
>>>When I try to run the example program (included below), or any
>>>other program using pyserial, as soon as it hits the statement:
>>>s = serial.Serial(i)
>>>>>import serial
>>>>>for i in range(256):
>> ... try:
>> ... print i,
>> ... s = serial.Serial(i)
>> ... print s.portstr
>> ... s.close()
>> ... except serial.SerialException:
>> ... print
>> ...
>> 0 COM1
>> 1
>> 2 COM3
>> 3
>> 4
>> 5
>> 6
>> 7
>> 8
>> 9
>> 10
>> 11
>> and on and on...
>>>What do I need to do to fix this? Thanks for the help!
>> Does the serial port module require a compile for use with 2.5?
>> Well, with only one download since Python 2.2, guess not...
>> Something glitched in win32? Sorry, I don't know... However, since
>> those are Python source files, you could always plug in some debugging
>> lines around that win32 call to see what actually is there. Do you have
>> any unnatural serial ports on the machine? (Like a USB<>serial
>> converter?)
> Trying your program, I get the same error 'Incorrect function.':
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<pyshell#9>", line 4, in <module>
> s = serial.Serial(i)
> File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\", line 156, in
> __init__
> File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 57, in
> open
> win32file.SetupComm(self.hComPort, 4096, 4096)
> error: (1, 'SetupComm', 'Incorrect function.')
> I tried PySerial on a laptop, also running XP Home SP2, and both the
> example program and the program you suggested work fine on the laptop.
> The desktop computer that is giving me the error doesn't have any
> unnatural serial ports on it currently. The laptop worked fine, either
> with a USB device emulating COMM6 present or with the USB device
> disconnected.
> I checked and both machines are running the same version of win32file,
> which is site-packages\win32\win32file.pyd, 88 KB dated 9/22/2006.
> So my question is:
> Why would the statement win32file.SetupComm(self.hComPort, 4096, 4096)
> work just fine on one machine and not the other?
> win32file.pyd can't be opened like a .py file, and I don't know what the
> rather cryptic error 'Incorrect function.' is trying to tell me. Does
> anyone who is familiar with win32file have an idea what the problem is?
> Thanks for the help!
> -- Ron
I am now facing your problem ... on a machine that used to work fine.
Have you figured it out ?
Could it be a conflict between pyserial and pywin32 ?
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