setDaemon problem.

Ramashish Baranwal ramashish.lists at
Fri Apr 20 09:43:28 EDT 2007

> > Hi,
> > I am facing an issue in daemonizing a thread using setDaemon method.
> > Here is my code-
> > import time
> > from threading import Thread
> > class MThread(Thread):
> >     def run(self):
> >         f = open('/tmp/t.log', 'w')
> >         for i in range(10):
> >             f.write('Iteration %d\n' % i)
> >             time.sleep(1)
> >         f.close()
> > if __name__ == "__main__":
> >     t = MThread()
> >     t.setDaemon(True)
> >     print 'Starting thread'
> >     t.start()
> > The scripts runs all fine, but nothing gets logged to "/tmp/t.log".
> > However when I run the same script without setting thread as daemon
> > (no call to t.setDaemon), everything works fine.
> > Am I missing anything?
> Yes. You miss the documentation of setDaemon. It is _not_ a
> PROCESS-daemonization recipe - which you can get here:
> Instead, it means that the thread started is considered not to be worth
> waiting for when the main thread exits. Which it does immediately in
> your code, resulting in nothing written in the logfile.
> I think the name setDaemon is somewhat unfortunate.

Thanks Diez,

I was also wondering about "daemonizing" a thread, but I interpreted
that it would daemonize the process which it didn't. I think setDaemon
should be renamed to setDetached or something similar.


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