Call for advice on how to start PyOpenGL!

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Mon Aug 20 10:44:22 EDT 2007

math2life wrote:
> I work with python for two years, are familiar with image processing,
> but beginner on PyOpenGL and OpenGL.
> Any advice appreciated!
As has been mentioned, the NeHe tutorials[1] are a good starting point.  
There are (multiple) translations of the first 8 or so and then some 
cherry-picked translations further along the set.  There is a set of 
OpenGL demo/sample code available[2] as a separate download from the 3.x 
series (these files are mostly included in the 2.x series, though there 
is new material in the 3.x set).  OpenGLContext also has a large number 
of simple samples, though I've still got "release OpenGLContext" on my 
seemingly infinitely long and growing todo list, so that might not be 
the easiest way to start.

The "Red Book" is an older standard manual for getting started with (C) 
OpenGL code, often you can find older editions online for free.  There 
are hundreds of C tutorials hanging around the net that normally 
translate easily into Python/PyOpenGL.  The PyOpenGL manual pages *try* 
to have links to source code, but unfortunately the (java, ick!) based 
system that generates the base files has been broken for a while and I 
haven't had time to fix it properly so I can re-run the generator to 
update the links.  In the meantime, Google's code search helps a lot 
when you restrict to Python code.[3]



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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