[pyconuk] pyweek is happening august 02 - august 09
John Pinner
john at clocksoft.com
Sun Aug 5 04:37:41 EDT 2007
Hello All,
On 04/08/07, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:
> 00:00 UTC 2007-09-02 to 00:00 UTC 2007-09-09 exactly. See
> www.pyweek.org
> PyconUK is happening. http://www.pyconuk.org/ 8th and 9th September.
> This means that those of us who generally do not see each other but are
> going to PyconUK could put together an entry and then sprint together
> on it before PyCon UK. There would be this terrible torment -- do
> I attend the con or get my game to work -- but it is still the
> best chance some of us have to work together yet.
> Talk to me if you are interested in maybe making a PyconUK pygame
> team. I think that this could be a lot of fun. Sign up on
> www.pyweek.org if you think so, as well. But mail me.
> John -- assuming we want to meet up _before_ PyConUK -- can that
> work?
Yes, we'd really like to see you at PyCon UK, and the games!
We have sprint facilities available for two days before and two days
after PyCon UK. They are at 95 Broad Street, about ten minutes walk
from the Conference venue. There is a fat pipe internet connection.
There are three rooms available, one has 10 high spec workstations
which can be pre-installed with the o/s of your choice, for the other
rooms you'd need your own laptops. There are places nearby to buy
cheap food (a local supermarket and the usual fast food and sandwich
> Can you point us at a cheap hostel for a few days?
Looking at http://www.pyconuk.org/accommodation.html :
The budget buys are the Etap (conference hotel) and Birmingham
Backpackers, they are also furthest from the sprint location, say 25
and 30 minutes walk respectively (I haven't timed these). Basically,
you can stay at either of these for less than £20 if you share.
Also worth considering are the Comfort Zone serviced apartments, the
ones in Townsend Street are about ten minutes walk from the sprint
venue, less to the conference.
The nearest hotel is the Novotel (where we're holding the conference
dinner) at 70 Broad Street, 2 minutes from the sprint and 10 from the
Conference. You should be able to get an online deal for about £69 for
a double room. Just behind the Novotel is the Premier Travel Inn,
slightly less at say £65 for a double. There are two Travel Inns in
the area, sprinters would want the Birmingham Broad Street (Brindley
Place) one.
A good compromise between cost and convenience for the sprinters would
be the Travelodge, just across the road from the sprint at 230 Broad
Street, where you can get a family room (sleeps 3 adults plus one
child, 4 adults at a push) for £66.
One of the PyCon UK delegates has been finding cheap accommodation in
the area, and I'll ask him to contact you directly, Laura.
Best wishes,
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