Wing IDE for Python v. 3.0 beta1 released
Joshua J. Kugler
joshua at
Wed Aug 1 18:55:49 EDT 2007
On Wednesday 01 August 2007 14:15, John K Masters wrote:
>> > I have been trying wing for a few days but have noticed that
>> > auto-completion does not work on all modules. I submitted this to wing
>> > and was told that probably my PYTHONPATH was wrong.
>> It may also not work if the IDE isn't sure what kind of object you are
>> dealing with. You can "clarify" this as documented with an
>> assert(isinstance()) statement.
> But as I pointed out to the wingware people the autocompletion was
> recognising some methods but not others from the same module,
I just remembered: I've been around the block with them on this one too. It
was with PyTables. There are some modules (PyTables includes) that use
certain names that are valid when called, but are no where defined in the
module. Yes, it happens, and yes, it sounds quite tweaky. I can dig up
details if you want me to. But, since the names are defined, basically, at
run time, there is no way Wing can find them for autocompletion.
>> > I subsequently submitted a question about the licensing, i.e. whether I
>> > could use wing on a home setup using Debian Etch, where I develop my
>> > apps, and a work setup, using Debian Etch, with no net access.
>> From
>> "Each Wing IDE user may run Wing on as many machines as needed for their
>> own work, for all the operating systems which they have licensed. In
>> order to reduce casual license sharing, which is a unfortunately a
>> problem for small businesses like Wingware, licenses must be activated
>> after installation on each machine."
>> "We've worked hard to make this flexible and forgiving for valid
>> customers. For example, reinstalling an OS and/or altering hardware
>> usually should not break your activation. Also, activation can be done
>> directly from Wing IDE and off-line activation is available if your
>> machine does not have TCP port 80 (http) access to Each
>> license is allowed three activations by default and more can be obtained
>> on request from identifiable customers."
> But this requires activation via a web connection.
It does? "off-line activation is available if your machine does not have TCP
port 80 (http) access to" What part still requires web
Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: ID 0xDB26D7CE
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