best GUI library for vector drawing program
Thomas Kellerer
Fri Aug 17 14:12:30 EDT 2007
chewie54 wrote on 17.08.2007 15:27:
> Hello,
> What would be the best cross-platform GUI library to use for a vector
> based CAD program ( something like Visio on Windows ) WxWidgets,
> Tk, PyQt, Java Swing, Java SWT,???? I need the capibility to
> draw and edit in a window that looks like a page of paper so WYSIWYG
> is very important, and I need to save the drawings in vector based
> file formats like PS, EPS, SVG, as well as image formats like jpg,
> png, and gif. Also, the images need to be high resolution so that
> they can be pasted into various other programs in Windows OS, and
> Linux OS, and the Mac OS.
The NetBeans Platform offers a nice module for this. NetBeans itself uses it for
UML, BPEL and ERD modelling and other features (such as the visual XSD editor)
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