Question about 'for' loop
Steve Holden
steve at
Fri Aug 17 19:55:24 EDT 2007
Robert Dailey wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that the 'for' loop can be used inline with a list definition.
> For example:
> print [i for i in mylist]
> My first question is what is the name for this? I couldn't find this
> usage in the python docs; I only managed to learn about it through code
> samples on the internet.
That there is a "list comprehension".
> Secondly, I'm wondering how I can use this method of a for loop to
> append strings to strings in a list. For example:
> mylist = [
> "Hello ",
> "Hello again "
> ]
> I should be able to do this:
> print [ i + "World" for i in mylist ]
> Which should yield the output:
> ["Hello World", "Hello again world"]
Who says you should? Beside you, that is. I am afraid the interpreter
isn't psychic, and it doesn't have a DWIM [1] mode.
> However, instead I get an error message saying "TypeError: cannot
> concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects"
> How can I achieve the above? Thanks for reading.
It's just a matter of understanding the syntax in a little more depth.
In a week's time it will be blindingly obvious.
>>> nicknames = ["bozo", "newbie", "newless cloob", "and welcome to"]
>>> [("hello " + name) for name in nicknames]
['hello bozo', 'hello newbie', 'hello newless cloob', 'hello and welcome
So, treat item [-1] from that list as the real sentiment of this message:
>>> [("hello " + name) for name in nicknames][-1]
'hello and welcome to'
[1]: Do What I Mean [and never mind what I say ...]
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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