an eval()-like exec()
DustanGroups at
Tue Aug 28 07:20:17 EDT 2007
On Aug 27, 6:06 pm, "Matt McCredie" <mccre... at> wrote:
> > A python interactive interpreter works by having the user type in some
> > code, compiling and running that code, then printing the results. For
> > printing, the results are turned into strings.
> > I would like make an interpreter which does this, without the last
> > part: i.e. where the results are returned as objects, instead of as
> > strings. I.e. have I would like to see something that behaves like
> > this:
> > >>> ip = MyInterpreter()
> > # this started a new interpreter
> > >>>"import math") is None
> > True
> > >>>"math.pi") is math.pi
> > True
> > Neither exec() or eval() is usable for this, as far as I see, because
> > eval can't handle arbitrary python code (eval("import math") ), and
> > exec() doesn't return the results.
> > Subclassing an code.InteractiveInterpreter or code.InteractiveConsole
> > seems like a usable idea, but I couldn't find out what to do to get
> > the results before they are turned into strings.
> > Using compile() and then eval() didn't seem usable either.
> > Any ideas?
> Well, my first thought is that exec and eval serve two different
> purposes, and you should just have both of them and use the
> appropriate one based on the situation. However, I think it is
> possible to enable the behavior you want:
> [code]
> def myeval(statement, globals_=None, locals_=None):
> try:
> return eval(statement, globals_, locals_)
> except SyntaxError:
> if locals_ is None:
> import inspect
> locals_ = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals
> exec statement in globals_, locals_
> [/code]
> It seems to work for me.
> Matt
Unless it's something like:
where raise_ is a function equivalent to the corresponding statement.
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