encrypting files + filestreams?
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Sat Aug 18 00:48:14 EDT 2007
In message <1187186797.579680.206820 at 19g2000hsx.googlegroups.com>, per9000
> crptz = AES.new("my-secret_passwd")
You're using ECB mode. Never use ECB mode. At a minimum, use CBC mode.
Also, another common thing is, don't use the actual password to encrypt the
entire file. Instead, randomly generate a "session key" to use for the
actual encryption, and only use the password to encrypt that.
> def encrypt2(cryptor, infile, outfile):
> """enly encrypt a few bytes at a time"""
> size = 512
> bytes = infile.read(size)
> seek = 0
> interval = 97
> ctr = 0
> while len(bytes) == size:
> seek += size
> if ctr % interval == 0:
> print '\r%15d bytes completed' % (seek),
> ctr += 1
> outfile.write(cryptor.encrypt(bytes))
> # change to this to decrypt
> # outfile.write(cryptor.decrypt(bytes))
> bytes = infile.read(size)
> if len(bytes) != 0:
> bytes += "#" * (size - len(bytes))
> outfile.write(cryptor.encrypt(bytes))
> seek += len(bytes)
Finally, it is recommended that you also compute and encrypt a cryptographic
hash of the plaintext. That way, you can check that still matches after
decryption, to guard against tampering.
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