about negative polar plots
Erik Max Francis
max at alcyone.com
Tue Aug 14 03:42:55 EDT 2007
yadin wrote:
> hi am doing a polar plot of the radiation pattern of an antenna.
> the polar plots represents the value of the power in dB's and the dB
> go from -40dB to 0dB
> as the angle theta changes from 0 to 2*pi rads
> the polar plot in python goes with positive values
> how can i solve this problem
> rough example
> example:
> power = arange(-40,0,-10)
> theta = arange(0, 2pi,pi/12)
> polar(power,theta)
> title.....?
> how can i show the step on the polar plot plot(-40, -30,-20,-10,0)
What is arange? What is polar? What is plot? You're going to have to
give more information about what you're doing, what you're using to do
it, and where it's giving you unexpected or undesired results if you
want help solving your problem.
Erik Max Francis && max at alcyone.com && http://www.alcyone.com/max/
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
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