Ligmail bug?
Ed Leafe
ed at
Sun Aug 12 21:14:08 EDT 2007
On Aug 12, 2007, at 7:06 AM, Steve Holden wrote:
> [Please reply via the list when a response is made via the list.
> You may
> now have detached the follow-ups from your original question, but at
> least if you use the list there's a chance someone else will help
> you if
> I give up or don't have time. Note I have sent this response to the
> list; you are Cc'd to make sure you pick it up even though it may not
> appear in the same thread.]
I've seen others comment on this, so I'll throw in my 2 cents.
The default behavior for this list should be to reply to the list,
as you have pointed out. Yet for some unfathomable reason, the
keepers of the list have set it up to default to reply to the
original sender. This is nothing short of stupid, and I cast my vote
(if I even have one) for changing this default to a more intelligent
one, if for no other reason than to not have to constantly read
comments like this chiding someone for acting in a predictable fashion.
-- Ed Leafe
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