Public Telnet Server?
davmillar at
Mon Aug 20 08:59:50 EDT 2007
On Aug 12, 2:03 pm, Jorgen Grahn <grahn+n... at>
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2007 15:07:25 -0000, Dave <davmil... at> wrote:
> > Hi there. I'm a beginner at Python and I'm writing my first Python
> > script. It's a text adventure about coffee and mixing drinks and being
> > crazy and such. I keep updating it and want my friends to beta test it
> > for me, but some of them don't have the right version of Python or
> > don't want to get Python at all. Is there an easy way I can set up a
> > public telnet server so they can just telnet the server and play it?
> - get yourself a Unix machine with a real, routable IP address
> - enable telnet (or better, ssh) access
> - create a new user
> - make the game this user's login shell, or let her login script
> exec the game
> - test it out
> - distribute address, user name and password to people
> "netcat ... -e the_game" may be another option.
> However, the security implications of this may be serious. You should
> assume these people can get local user shell access whenever they feel
> like it, and use your machine for evil purposes. I trust my brother
> with local access to my machines, and noone else[1].
> /Jörgen
> [1] Well, his two cats too, but they have never logged in so far.
> Probably forgot the password, too.
> --
> // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@ Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
> \X/> R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm actually on Linux and a friend helped
me enabled SSH and make the game the login script for a dummy account,
but then he was generous enough to let me put it on a spare server of
his too. :)
As for the py2exe suggestion, I actually just tried that yesterday so
now there's a Windows Executable version of the game for friends to
try as well.
Both versions are available, plus source, from
if you want to check it out. Thanks again!
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