What order does info get returned in by os.listdir()
Jeremy C B Nicoll
jeremy at omba.demon.co.uk
Wed Aug 15 09:33:51 EDT 2007
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <bj_666 at gmx.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:34:27 +0100, Jeremy C B Nicoll wrote:
> > I've some supplementary questions... my original code was looking at
> > each leafname in turn via
> >
> > for leaf in os.listdir(path):
> > wholefile = os.path.join(path,leaf)
> > if os.path.isfile(wholefile):
> > if leaf.startswith("~"):
> >
> > etc. But I now realise I might alternatively do something like:
> >
> > leaflist = os.listdir(path)
> > <then something to sort that list>
> > for leaf in leaflist:
> But this is doing something different that the above code!?
I'm not sure if I understand you. I know it's only "equivalent" to the
first line of what's above, ie iterate over a list of names, and obviously
it's got the sorting of that list done, but do you mean there's some other
> > How would I sort leaflist in a way that mimics the sort order that XP
> > shows me things under?
> This depends on what XP is. Which program? Which locale? How does the
> locale influence that programs sorting?
Well... XP is Windows XP (Pro as I think I said earlier), and I'm in the UK.
I explained earlier how XP shows me stuff in order when I tell it to sort by
> > Secondly, my code is wasting time looking at subdirectories/files which
> > I already know I'm not interested in. Is there a way to restrict
> > listdir to, say, only return info about subdirectories, or only about
> > dirs/files whose names match a pattern?
> `os.listdir()` always returns all names. You can or have to filter the
> result if you are only interested in some of the names. Simple pattern
> matching on names can be done with `glob.glob()`.
> > Thirdly, once I've go a list of leafnames, somehow, is there a way to
> > ask Python if a specific leaf-value is in that list, without explicitly
> > looping through the items in the list?
> With the ``in`` operator you have an implicit loop over the list.
> if 'readme.txt' in leafnames:
> print 'Hurray!'
OK, that looks useful. Thanks.
Jeremy C B Nicoll - my opinions are my own.
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