xlrd question
John Machin
sjmachin at lexicon.net
Mon Aug 6 19:04:32 EDT 2007
On Aug 4, 10:48 am, JYOUN... at kc.rr.com wrote:
> I ran your code which gave me this:
> >>> import sys, xlrd; print sys.version; print xlrd.__file__
> 2.3.5 (#1, Jan 30 2006, 13:30:29)
> [GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1819)]
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/site-packages/
> xlrd/__init__.pyc
> and as far as I can tell, the runxlrd.py file is located here (where I had drug this folder
> originally):
> Macintosh HD/xlrd-0.6.1/scripts/runxlrd.py
> So if I'm understanding this correctly, xlrd only uses the folder you download (xlrd-0.6.1)
> and then moves the
> '__init__.pyc' file to the location mentioned above?
Try actually *looking* in "the location mentioned above". Try actually
*looking* in the download folder -- do you see a file called
__init__.pyc? If you do, check the creation timestamp :-)
> There's definitely no problems or concerns. :-) I'm doing a bit of research to see if this
> might be something I
> use down the road at work. Our I/T department is extremely strict as to what we put on
> employees machines
> so I want to have a good understanding as to where files are installed so I can let i/T know all
> the details.
I would have thought that: (1) If your company already uses Python,
the IT dept should have already come to grips with installing third-
party packages, and shouldn't need your help to find out where a
package's files are installed. (2) If they don't already use Python,
where a packages's files are installed is a minor fraction of the
concerns that would need to be overcome. (3) It might be a good idea
to ask informally what would be required to get a particular package
made available.
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