Use variable in regular expression
Antti Rasinen
ars at
Thu Aug 2 07:05:47 EDT 2007
On 2007-08-02, at 13:43, CarpeSkium at wrote:
> I know I can use a variable in regular expressions. I want to use a
> regex to find something based on the beginning of the string. I am
> using yesterday's date to find all of my data from yesterday.
> Yesterday's date is 20070731, and assigned to the variable
> "yesterday_date". I want to loop thru a directory and find all of the
> yesterday's data ONLY IF the feature class has the date at the
> BEGINNING of the filename.
> ...
> I don't want the one's that start with "Copy". I can't figure out the
> syntax of inserting the "^" into the regex. I've tried all of the
> following, with no luck:
> re.compile(^yesterday_date)
> re.compile(r'^yesterday_date')
> re.compile(r'^[yesterday_date]')
> re.compile(r'[^yesterday_date]')
The first one is a syntax error (^ outside a string means the xor-
operation). The rest are just strings containing the _string_
'yesterday_date' and not the value of the variable. So you need to do
some string formatting(*
search_str = '^%s' % yesterday_date # I'm assuming yesterday_date is
a string.
[ ars at <*> Antti Rasinen ]
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