Wing IDE for Python v. 3.0 beta1 released
Steve Holden
steve at
Thu Aug 2 06:32:33 EDT 2007
John K Masters wrote:
> On 18:23 Wed 01 Aug , Steve Holden wrote:
>> Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 01 August 2007 13:53, Robert Dailey wrote:
>>>> He's secretly an employee of Wing IDE in disguise!!!
>>> Sorry to destroy your conspiracy theories, but no, I've never been employed
>>> by Wing IDE in any fashion, nor have I ever received any monetary
>>> compensation from them in any form. Just a satisfied user. That's all.
>>> j
>> Me too, and I have to say the response I have had to all my technical
>> support requests has been first-class. Maybe they are busy because
>> they're in beta? I know they aren't the largest company, but they can
>> stand comparison with most when it comes to support.
>> I can't think of any other products I use where you can contact the
>> support team from right inside the software. And get answers without
>> paying per-incident support fees!
>> regards
>> Steve
>> --
> I am happy to hear that you have had a good experience with wingide and
> I wish I could say the same as I have found the product to be excellent
> as far as the concept goes but lacking in the implementation.
> To suggest that, because the autocompletion worked on one method of a
> module and not on another was because I had not configured the
> PYTHONPATH properly is at least insulting.
> Regards, John
We must all be guided by personal experience, I suppose. Personally I
wouldn't get insulted if someone suggested I might have made a mistake,
since I have made enough in my life to recognize it as a pattern.
Problem identification has to start with the most likely causes.
I am sure that had you written back to say you had checked the
PYTHONPATH and were still looking for the problem cause they would have
answered you civilly and with other possible causes.
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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