Process Control Help
Cameron Laird
claird at
Mon Aug 13 13:37:36 EDT 2007
In article <heq5p4-29v.ln1 at>, I mused:
>In article <1185923367.122846.117750 at>,
>Azazello <tylerca at> wrote:
>>On Jul 31, 12:45 pm, Walt Leipold <leip... at> wrote:
> .
> .
> .
>>> It has nothing to do with 'proprietary issues'. A lot of it has to do
>>> with the perception of support -- who will support Python and custom
>>> Python code if my plant shuts down? Who will train my developers and
>>> operators? Who can I sue? The rest of it is because of the way the
> .
> .
> .
>>> Yes, it's a shame that you have to buy three packages to perform three
>>> functions, and then buy other 3rd-party packages to tie them together.
>>> Yes, it's a shame that industrial software is expensive, and
>>> proprietary, and Windows-only, and generally has a brain-dead scripting
>>> language (when it has any scriptability at all). Still, as much as it
>>> galls me to say it, if your company's primary business isn't writing
>>> industrial automation software, don't write industrial automation
>>> software.
> .
> .
> .
>>> * Unless you're a hobbyist, if you want to do data acquisition or i/o,
>>> purchase an i/o server for your particular bus/instrumentation from a
>>> major manufacturer. You *can* write your own i/o server, especially for
>>> simple protocols like Modbus, but the commercial versions have been
>>> tested more exhaustively than you can manage. Also, the most common
>>> protocol these days is OPC, which isn't a protocol at all in the
>>> conventional sense -- it's a set of APIs to a Windows DLL, with the
>>> wire-level details completely opaque -- so you'd have to buy a library
>>> for that anyway.
>>> on Visual Basic for Applications rather than a better (and free and Open
>>> Source!) language like Python. It's also a tragedy that the dominant
>>> i/o 'protocol' for industrial automation isn't really a protocol, and is
>>> Windows-only to boot. It's horrifying that the primary means of
>>> communication between process control and data acquisition applications
>>> is via DDE or ActiveX. And I find it incredible that people and
>>> companies will pay large sums of money for some of the industrial
>>> automation products on the market. But that's the way the industry
>>> works, and, as frustrating as the commercial offerings are, using them
>>> will probably be better for you and your company in the long run.
> .
> .
> .
>>I really appreciate your post Walt. I started this thread last week
>>and I have to admit that in the subsequent days the 'option' of using
>>Python for our control solutions is simply not feasible. Although the
>>project I wanted to implement was fairly small scale, no 20 ton pieces
>>or x-ray machinery, the principle of the matter remains the same,
>>especially as a large corporation. As an intern returning to school
>>in the fall, the underlying responsibility for a Python system was my
>>original concern and discouragement to my employer for persuing this
>>path. It became readily apparent that using the crumby software
>>packaged with our control devices is surely faster in the long run, as
>>we are not involved in software development. (The majority of my
>>coworkers' formal programming experience is in FORTRAN) It has been a
>>very discouraging few days. There's so much room for improvement and
>>yet... My 4-day conclusion is unless you're already involved in
>>controls software you must be crazy to join. Are many young engineers
>>entering this field?
>At an anecdotal level, I'd guess that, no, there are few
>young engineers entering this field.
'Just occurred to me that a GREAT thing to do might be for a young
engineer to catch the SD Best Practices 2007 East in Boston in
September <URL: >,
which is running concurrently with Embedded Systems <URL: > (as well as RFID World <URL: >). They sell inspiration by the
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