Speed of Nested Functions & Lambda Expressions

Terry Jones terry at jon.es
Thu Dec 6 17:37:11 EST 2007

[Referring to the thread at
 with apologies for top posting (I don't have the original mail)]

Duncan Booth wrote:

> You can use Python's bytecode disassembler to see what actually gets 
> executed here:
> >>> def fn_outer(v):
>     a=v*2
>     def fn_inner():
>         print "V:%d,%d" % (v,a)
>     fn_inner()
> >>> import dis
> >>> dis.dis(fn_outer)
>   2           0 LOAD_DEREF               1 (v)

> When you execute the 'def' statement, the two scoped variables a and v 
> are built into a tuple on the stack, the compiled code object for the 
> inner function is also pushed onto the stack and then the function is 
> created by the 'MAKE_CLOSURE' instruction. This is then stored in a 
> local variable (STORE_FAST) which is then loaded and called.
> So the function definition is pretty fast, BUT notice how fn_inner is 
> referenced by STORE_FAST/LOAD_FAST whereas a and v are referenced by 
> The code for fn_inner also uses LOAD_DEREF to get at the scoped 
> variables:

I'd like to understand what it is that triggers the use of LOAD/STORE_DEREF
versus LOAD/STORE_FAST. This seems dependent on how fn_inner above uses the
a and v variables. If I change the print "V:%d,%d" % (v,a) line to be
something like (a, v) = (v, a) or do other simple uses and assignments to a
and v, LOAD/STORE_FAST is used. It seems that it's the use of print (in
this case) that triggers the use of LOAD/STORE_DEREF in the bytecode.

Can anyone shed more light on what in general causes the switch to

I find it a bit disconcerting that the simple presence of a nested function
(even if never used) may trigger significant slowdown in variable access
for the rest of the code in the containing function. I'd be happy to know
how/when this happens. I know I probably shouldn't care, but I do.

Terry Jones

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