"do" as a keyword

cokofreedom at gmail.com cokofreedom at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 09:22:58 EST 2007

First off let me state that I really enjoy using Python. I am a 3rd
year student and have been using python for 3 months, (thanks to
trac!). I do not consider myself an experienced or clever programmer,
but I am able to get by.

Something I love about Python is that almost everything you do can be
written in pseudo code then carried across into Python without a great-
deal of difference.

But reading through the warts and reading about a lack of "do while
statements" I also started to ponder about the "'do something' if
'true' else 'do this'", and pondered if perhaps this statement could
do with the including of the keyword do.

It would clear up the usage of such a statement because it would read
happily. Or am I making a mountain out of an ant hill?

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