MySQLdb syntax issues - HELP
elvenson at
Sun Dec 16 14:38:46 EST 2007
Im very new to SQL in general, let alone coding it into python. I can
interact with a MySQL database just fine for the most part, but im running
into some problems here... This is the function in my script that keeps
raising errors:
def NewChar():
""" NewChar() -
Call this function to begin new character generation.
At this time it is the only function you need to call from the
NewCharacter module.
It takes no arguments.
CharAccount = NewAccount()
CharName = raw_input("Enter New Characters Name: \n")
CharGender = NewGender()
CharJob = NewJob()
CharLevel = "1"
Attributes = GetAtt() ###--- imports the attributes to be added to
character info
Strength = Attributes[0]
Dexterity = Attributes[1]
Inteligence = Attributes[2]
Charm = Attributes[3]
Luck = Attributes[4]
###--- This will print the results to a script that will be used to
###--- and retrieve character data for use in the game. It will
###--- be phased out by a database or encrypted file and calling scripts
###--- it wont be accessable by the user.
#AppendChar = '\n["' + CharName + '", "' + CharGender + '", "' + CharJob
+ '", ' + CharLevel + ', ' + Strength + ', ' + Dexterity + ', ' +
Inteligence + ', ' + Charm + ', ' + Luck + ']'
#CharSheet = "Character.hro"
#CharOutput = open(CharSheet, 'a', 5000)
###--- MySQL implementation of the new character save.
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost', user = 'hero', passwd
= 'password', db = 'hero')
cursor = conn.cursor()
name CHAR(40),
gender CHAR(40),
job CHAR(40),
level TEXT,
str TEXT,
dex TEXT,
intel TEXT,
cha TEXT,
luc TEXT
""" % CharAccount)
CharInfo = (CharAccount, CharName, CharGender, CharJob, CharLevel,
Strength, Dexterity, Inteligence, Charm, Luck)
INSERT INTO %s (name, gender, job, level, str, dex, intel, cha, luc)
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (CharAccount, CharName, CharGender, CharJob, CharLevel, Strength,
Dexterity, Inteligence, Charm, Luck))
cursor.execute("SELECT name, job FROM %s" % CharAccount)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row == None:
print "\n \n \n You just created: %s \n Job class is: %s" % (row[0],
print "\n \n \n Your character is made!"
MakeAgain = raw_input("\n \n \n Would you like to make another character
while we are at it? (y, n): \n")
MakeAgain = MakeAgain.lower()
MakeAgain = MakeAgain[0]
if MakeAgain == "y":
The part that keeps getting me errors is:
INSERT INTO %s (name, gender, job, level, str, dex, intel, cha, luc)
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
""", (CharAccount, CharName, CharGender, CharJob, CharLevel, Strength,
Dexterity, Inteligence, Charm, Luck))
i have tried various ways to do this string insertion, and i keep getting
errors. it seems that MySQLdb doesnt like me assigning a string to the
table name if im going to assign more to values... I have reworked the last
line so many times its pathetic and have seen about 3 or 4 different
errors, but they are almost all being raised by the same functions within
the MySQLdb code. All variables i am attempting to assign are in string
form and have worked in a test script i made that does everything the same
except substituting the strings within my query. Ive been stuck on this all
week and have read numerous tutorials, the DB-API specification sheet, the
MySQL manual, the MySQLdb documentation, and a few books... none of which
seem to adress my problem since they are all only assigning variables to
the table name OR the values of the query, not both. Please help me figure
this out.
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