Escaping the semicolon?

Mel mwilson at
Tue Dec 4 11:11:02 EST 2007

Nick wrote:
> Is this expected behavior?
>>>> s = '123;abc'
>>>> s.replace(';', '\;')
> '123\\;abc'
> I just wanted a single backslash. I can see why this probably happens
> but i wondered if it is definitely intentional.

What you're seeing on the screen is a "literalization" of the string 
value for the sake of the display.  Consider

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[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
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 >>> s = '123;abc'
 >>> b = s.replace(';', '\;')
 >>> b
 >>> len(b)

The length suggests that there's only one backslash in the string.


On the other hand

 >>> repr(b)

Isn't what I expected.  No, wait, it is.  It's the value of repr(b) 
repred by the Python display logic.


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