Connecting to SQL database
BjornSteinarFjeldPettersen at
Thu Dec 20 17:03:28 EST 2007
On Dec 20, 10:01 pm, bill ramsay <blah at blahdeblah> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 23:35:00 -0300, "Gabriel Genellina"
> <gagsl-... at> wrote:
> >En Fri, 14 Dec 2007 23:24:24 -0300, Unknown <unkn... at unknown.invalid>
> >escribió:
> >> I have successfully connected to SQL2000 and MSDEE databases in the
> >> past, however I have to move to SQL2005 and SQLEXPRESS databases now.
> >> Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=;
> >> Database=csrctest;Uid=bill;Pwd=bill"
> >Look for the right spelling at
> looks like my spelling is ok, any other ideas?
> thanks for the suggestion above.
> kind regards
> bill
This is working for me to the internal network (I'm using adodbapi,
but the connection string should be the same)
'Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=dbserv;Initial Catalog=ndb;User
I just tested, and this works well too
'Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=dbserv;Initial Catalog=ndb;User
and to my local instance (Hermes is my machine)
'Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=HERMES\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial
Catalog=;User Id=sa;Password=pw666;'
Can you connect to the server using SqlServer Management Studio? Can
you create an odbc connection to the server? Unlike 2000, SqlServer
2005 has tcp/ip connections turned off by default, so you might want
to check that with the SqlServer Surface Area Configuration tool.
Externally we're still running 2000, so I don't know how connecting
over the interweb differs.
When you've figured out how to connect, and if you're open to a
suggestion, you might want to try out the adodbapi package (http:// It is a thin wrapper over ADO, and works
quite well. Then you'll get to use the Python db-api v.2.0 syntax,
which is oodles less typing than straight ADO.
-- bjorn
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