Dumb newbie back in shell

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at wtf.websiteburo.oops.com
Tue Dec 11 09:48:43 EST 2007

J. Clifford Dyer a écrit :
> The code you just posted doesn't compile successfully.
> However, in your code, you probably have char_ptr defined at the
> module level, and you're confused because you didn't declare it as
> global.  Am I right?  My crystal ball has a smudge on it, but I think
> I can still see okay.
> You can still reference module level variables that aren't declared
> as global, but you can't assign to them.  Or rather, when you try to,
> you create a new local variable that shadows the global one.
> So the first time through, your char_ptr in the while expression is a
> module level variable, but the second time through, it references a
> local variable, because it has now been defined.

IIRC, local assignments are detected during  compilation - so this is 
not how it works...

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