database without installation again

andrew_s andrzej.s at
Tue Feb 27 18:06:39 EST 2007


I'm looking for any database which I could use without need of instalation. 
I've read some threads here but I couldn't find any complete answer.
On my ISP's server I can use Python throu cgi only. There is Python 2.4.3 
and it has only standard library modules and no possibility to oficially 
install anything else.
This version has embedded Berkeley DB (bsddb) and it could be OK for storing 
data only, but I need a possibility to use simple selects with group by and 
aggregates, which I think are not supported by bsddb. SQLite could be good 
choice, but unfortunately it's included in standard Python library from 
version 2.5.

Any ideas? Maybe is it possible to "install" by myself something like SQLite 
or MySQLdb in my cgi-bin directory? I've tried it putting files from MySQLdb 
module, but there was errors with missing or sth. I think, the 
best solution would be db stored in binary file with interface in based on 
standard Python library, but is there anything like that??



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