Coordinate Grid Points
James Stroud
jstroud at
Mon Feb 5 21:33:18 EST 2007
Eric.Gabrielson at wrote:
> On Feb 5, 3:29 pm, James Stroud <jstr... at> wrote:
>>Eric.Gabriel... at wrote:
>>> I am very knew to python and am attempting to write a program
>>>in python that a friend of mine is having to write in java. I am doing
>>>this for fun and would like some help as to how i can generate random
>>>coordinate points (x,y) and compare them with user inputted coordinate
>>>points. For example how will I be able to access the separate values,
>>>the x from the x,y position. I think I understand everything except
>>>1)the random coordinate points 2) the getting the users inputted x and
>>>y values in one line ("Please guess a coordinate point from (1,1) to
>>>(20,20): ") as opposed to ("Please enter an x value:" and "Please
>>>enter a y value") and finally 3) acessing the x value from the x,y
>>>coordinate function. the assignment description is located here http://
>>>homework.html if you would like to see a more in depth discription of
>>>the game.
>>>Many Thanks,
>>For 1: see the random module (e.g. random.randint)
>>For 2: see the "eval" function and "raw input"
>>For 2 (without cheating): see the re module. For example:
>> ***map(int, re.compile("\(?(\d+),(\d+)\)?").search(inpt).groups())****
>>(Giving you the latter because eval will do this for you anyway.)
>>Also see "raw_input".
> Thank you very much for your response i will play around with the code
> when I have some time ( hopefully later tonight) but could you please
> breakdown what the part that I surrounded with asterisks, I think I
> recognize it but don't understand it.
> Eric
"re" is the regular expression module for python. "re.compile()"
compiles the regular expression into a regular expression object with
certain attributes, one of which is "search". "search" searches a
string, here "inpt", and this produces a "match" (actually a
_sre.SRE_Match) object that has, as one of its attributes, a "groups()"
method that returns matches to the grouped expressions inside the
regular expression, i.e. expressions surrounded by un-escaped parentheses.
Inside of the quotes is a regular expression string, (that, in general,
should be preceded immediately by a lowercase r--but is not here because
it doesn't matter in this case and I forgot to). map() maps a callable
(here int) to the list of groups returned by groups(). Each group is a
string matching r"\d+" which is an expression for one or more digits.
Each group is converted into an integer and map returns a list of
integers. I escaped the enclosing parentheses and put question marks
(match zero or one) so that the enclosing parentheses would be optional.
This makes all of the following evaluate to [20, 20]:
Except for typos, the middle two would be quite uncommon for user input,
but would match the expression. Note also, that I didn't allow for
whitespace anywhere, which might be expected. Arbitrary whitespace is
matched by r"\s*".
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