Sending CTRL-C event to console application
Daniel Clark
djbclark at
Fri Feb 9 09:12:01 EST 2007
On Feb 8, 9:12 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl... at> wrote:
> En Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:54:05 -0300, Daniel Clark <djbcl... at>
> escribió:
> > I have a Windows command line based application that only shuts down
> > cleanly if it sees "CTRL-C" on the console. I need to automate the
> > running of this application, but still allow the user sitting at the
> > machine to cancel the process cleanly if he/she needs to. In Unix this
> > would be a tiny shell script that used "kill -15", but under Windows
> > there does not seem to be an easy way to do this, at least that I can
> > find.
> > Below is a test program, based on from "Python
> > Programming on Win32". The
> > win32api.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(win32con.CTRL_C_EVENT, pid) lines
> > don't seem to do anything. What they should do is nothing in the case
> > of notepad, and exit out of the dir builtin process in the case of the
> > cmd.exe process.
> > Any ideas on how to make this work?
> From your process creation code:
> > CreationFlags = win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | \
> > win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | \
> > win32process.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS
> From
> "Only those processes in the group that share the same console as the
> calling process receive the signal. In other words, if a process in the
> group creates a new console, that process does not receive the signal, nor
> do its descendants."
Thanks, although I'm 99% sure I've also tried it without
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE (with a process that should just die if sent CTRL-
C, so it was monitorable via Task Manager) and it still didn't work.
I'm going to try taking a different approach by using a GUI Automation
tool like WATSUP [1] or pywinauto[2] next.
> Maybe you have better luck on a Windows programming group, asking how to
> send a Ctrl-C event (or a SIGINT signal) to another process attached to a
> different console.
>From what I've found via Google [3], Windows has no real concept of
signals, and no equivalent to SIGINT.
[1] WATSUP - Windows Application Test System Using Python
[2] pywinauto - Python Win32 Automation
[3] how to send a SIGINT to a Python process?
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