jython import search path

Larry Bates lbates at websafe.com
Wed Feb 21 19:15:38 EST 2007

Russ wrote:
> I have a Python program that I want to run in Jython so I can get Java
> bytecode output. The program runs fine in Python, but when I change
> the first line of the main program to make it run in Jython, it fails
> to find some of the imported modules. These are just plain Python
> imports of code I wrote myself in another directory.
> Apparently Jython does not use the PYTHONPATH environment variable. I
> created an environment variable called JYTHONPATH just to see what
> would happen, but it didn't work either. How am I supposed to tell
> Jython where to search for imported modules? Thanks.
Maybe Jython expert has the perfect answer but til then.

Did you try:

sys.path.append('path to search')

Usually this works if nothing else does.


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