Help Required for Choosing Programming Language
Peter Decker
pydecker at
Sun Feb 18 09:14:05 EST 2007
On 2/17/07, Stef Mientki <S.Mientki-nospam at> wrote:
> Some examples:
> - Creating a treeview (like in the M$ explorer), with full edit capabilities and full drag & drop
> facilities: Delphi takes about 40 lines of code (most of them even ^C ^V).
> - Creating a graphical overview of relations between database tables, which can be graphical
> manipulated by the user (like in M$ Access): Delphi 20 lines of code.
> I wonder what this costs in Python ?
You really need to get your thinking straightened out. You can't
compare Delphi to Python; Delphi is a product that uses Pascal as its
language, while Python is a language. When you compare a product for a
language to an entire language, it makes the rest of your arguments
look silly.
BTW, you said you looked at the Dabo Class Designer - did you know
that that tool itself was written in Dabo?
The power is there. The fact that you couldn't completely understand
it in a brief review says more about you than it does about Python,
wxPython or Dabo.
# p.d.
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