Convert to binary and convert back to strings

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Feb 21 22:52:31 EST 2007

On 2007-02-22, Ganesan Rajagopal <rganesan at> wrote:

>> I am hoping to have it show up some weird un-readable text.
>> And then of course be able to convert it right back to a
>> string. Is this even possible?
> Looks like you just want to obfuscate the string. How about
> this?
> import base64
> text = 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocius'
> open('sambleb.conf', 'w').write(base64.encodestring(text))
> print base64.decodestring(open('sambleb.conf', 'r').read())

It'll only remain obfuscated for about 30 seconds after even a
mildly curious user looks at the file.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  INSIDE, I have the
                                  at               same personality disorder
                                 as LUCY RICARDO!!

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