from __future__ import absolute_import ?
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Sat Feb 3 03:50:40 EST 2007
Ron Adam wrote:
> Peter Otten wrote:
>> Ron Adam wrote:
>>> from __future__ import absolute_import
>>> Is there a way to check if this is working? I get the same results with
>>> or without it.
>>> Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17)
>>> [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win 32
>> If there are two modules 'foo', one at the toplevel and the other inside
>> a package 'bar',
>> from __future__ import absolute_import
>> import foo
>> will import the toplevel module whereas
>> import foo
>> will import A messy demonstration:
>> $ ls bar
>> $ cat bar/
>> from __future__ import absolute_import
>> import foo
>> $ cat bar/
>> import foo
>> $ cat
>> print "toplevel"
>> $ cat bar/
>> print "in bar"
>> $ python2.5 -c 'import bar.absolute'
>> toplevel
>> $ python2.5 -c 'import bar.relative'
>> in bar
>> Another example is here:
>> Peter
> Thanks, that helped, I see why I was having trouble.
> work
> |
> |- # print "foo not in bar"
> |
> `- bar
> |
> |-
> |
> |- # print "foo in bar"
> |
> |- # from __futer__ import absolute_import
> | # import foo
> |
> `- # import foo
> * Where "work" is in the path.
> (1)
> C:\work>python -c "import bar.absolute"
> foo not in bar
> C:\work>python -c "import bar.relative"
> foo in bar
> (2)
> C:\work>python -m "bar.absolute"
> foo not in bar
> C:\work>python -m "bar.relative"
> foo not in bar
> (3)
> C:\work>python
> Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win 32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import bar.absolute
> foo not in bar
> >>> import bar.relative
> foo in bar
> (4)
> C:\work>cd bar
A path below the package level is generally a good means to shoot yourself
in the foot and should be avoided with or without absolute import.
> C:\work\bar>python -c "import bar.absolute"
> foo in bar
> C:\work\bar>python -c "import bar.relative"
> foo in bar
> (5)
> C:\work\bar>python
> Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win 32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import bar.absolute
> foo in bar
> >>> import bar.relative
> foo in bar
> >>>
> Case (2) seems like it is a bug.
I think so, too.
> Why not also have (4), and (5) do the same as cases (1) and (3)?
The work/bar directory is the current working directory and occurs in the
path before the work directory. When bar.absolute imports foo python is
unaware that work/bar/ is part of the bar package.
> in cases (4) and (5), that is the result I would expect if I did:
> import absolute # with no 'bar.' prefix.
> import relative
> From what I understand, in 2.6 relative imports will be depreciated, and
> in 2.7
> they will raise an error. (providing plans don't change)
> Would that mean the absolute imports in (4) and (5) would either find the
> 'foo not in bar' or raise an error?
No, in 1, 3 -- and 2 if the current behaviour is indeed a bug. This is only
for the relative import which would have to be spelt
from . import foo
in an absolute-import-as-default environment;
import foo
would always be an absolute import.
> If so, is there any way to force (warning/error) behavior now?
I don't know.
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