It is good to blow up a marketplace full of people buying and selling food
Frank Arthur
Art at
Sun Feb 4 14:46:05 EST 2007
It is good to blow up a marketplace full of people buying and selling food
in Iraq.
This is how Muslim insurgents will drive "the enemy" out of their country.
By killing and maiming fellow Iraqis! The traditional Muslim way.
The way of Allah! The way of the Quaran! The way of Mohammed!
They don't need any democracy. They don't need free elections. They are true
Suicide truck bomber kills at least 130 in Baghdad
By Tina Susman, Times Staff Writer
11:23 AM PST, February 3, 2007
BAGHDAD -- A suicide bomber posing as a trucker hauling food drove into a
busy market in central Baghdad today and blew himself up, killing at least
130 people, injuring more than 300, and capping a particularly volatile day
in Iraq's sectarian war.
Seven car bombs also tore through the northern city of Kirkuk, leaving two
dead in attacks that underscored tensions enveloping the oil-rich region as
Arabs and Kurds vie for power. Another person died south of Baghdad in a
separate car bombing.
The incidents illustrated the breadth of polarization plaguing Iraq as U.S.
and Iraqi officials prepare for what they vow will be a decisive crackdown
on insurgents.
The Interior Ministry said the blast in the market in Sadriya killed at
least 130 people and injured 305. It came in the early evening as shoppers
thronged the stalls and tiny shops to stock up for the evening meal. Hamed
Majed, a butcher, was tending to customers when he saw a large yellow truck
trying to navigate down the narrow, alley-like street leading through the
<thermate at> wrote in message
news:1170611125.519656.144410 at
> First the tiny hezbollah destroyed merkevas one after another using
> precision anti-tank weapons reducing the israelis to madness of
> indiscriminate cluster bombing.
> But the Iranians are the smartest of these Islamics. Grand chess
> masters ... who once saved the ass of jews under Cyrus the Great from
> Nebuchadnezzer
> =================
> Open house at Iranian nuclear site
> Isfahan, Iran
> February 5, 2007
> AdvertisementAdvertisement
> Iran has opened one of its nuclear sites to local and international
> reporters and ambassadors to show the transparency of its program
> before a UN Security Council deadline this month.
> Tehran has kept up efforts to give the site at Isfahan more publicity.
> A tourism official said late last year that Iran planned to open it
> and other nuclear plants to foreign tourists.
> Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Ali
> Asghar Soltanieh, said the purpose of the tour was to assure the world
> that Iran's program was peaceful.
> "In fact we have representatives from all over the world," Mr
> Soltanieh said. "We decided to have them come here and see for
> themselves," he said.
> He made a point of emphasising the IAEA surveillance cameras at
> Isfahan.
> Photographers and video camera operators were not allowed to take
> pictures in the outside area of the compound.
> Uranium ore is converted into yellowcake and gas at Isfahan. The gas
> is transferred to the more sophisticated plant at Natanz, where it
> could be enriched with centrifuges.
> Reporters at the weekend passed the Natanz site but were not allowed
> inside, where Iran recently said it was installing 3000 centrifuges.
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