Fwd: Python new user question - file writeline error
Shawn Milo
Shawn at Milochik.com
Thu Feb 8 12:20:57 EST 2007
On 8 Feb 2007 09:05:51 -0800, Gabriel Genellina <gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> On 8 feb, 12:41, "Shawn Milo" <S... at Milochik.com> wrote:
> > I have come up with something that's working fine. However, I'm fairly
> > new to Python, so I'd really appreciate any suggestions on how this
> > can be made more Pythonic.
> A few comments:
> You don't need the formatDatePart function; delete it, and replace
> newDate = ",%s-%s-%s," % (yearNum,monthNum,dayNum)
> with
> newDate = ",%04.4d-%02.2d-%02.2d," % (yearNum,monthNum,dayNum)
> and before:
> dayNum, monthNum, yearNum = [int(num) for num in
> someDate[1:-1].split('/')]
> And this: outfile.writelines(line)
> should be: outfile.write(line)
> (writelines works almost by accident here).
> You forget again to use () to call the close methods:
> infile.close()
> outfile.close()
> I don't like the final replace, but for a script like this I think
> it's OK.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Thanks for the comments! The new version is below. I thought it made a
little more sense to format the newDate = ... line the way I have it
below, although I did incorporate your suggestions. Also, the
formatting options you provided seemed to specify not only string
padding, but also decimal places, so I changed it. Please let me know
if there is some other meaning behind the way you did it.
As for not liking the replace line, what would you suggest instead?
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys
import re
month ={'JAN':1,'FEB':2,'MAR':3,'APR':4,'MAY':5,'JUN':6,'JUL':7,'AUG':8,'SEP':9,'OCT':10,'NOV':11,'DEC':12}
regex = re.compile(r",\d{2}/[A-Z]{3}/\d{4},")
for line in infile:
matches = regex.findall(line)
for someDate in matches:
dayNum = someDate[1:3]
monthNum = month[someDate[4:7]]
yearNum = someDate[8:12]
newDate = ",%04d-%02d-%02d," %
line = line.replace(someDate, newDate)
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