file io (lagged values) newbie question
Jussi Salmela
tiedon_jano at
Tue Feb 20 08:31:21 EST 2007
hiro kirjoitti:
> Hey there, I'm currently doing data preprocessing (generating lagged
> values for a time series) and I'm having some difficulties trying to
> write a file to disk. A friend of mine, wrote this quick example for
> me:
> tweaked code:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> f=open('c:/kaka.txt','r')
> array=f.readlines()
> f.close()
> f=open('c:/kakaDump.txt','w')
> lineSize = 4
> skip = 4
> condition = 1
> startIndex = 0
> for letter in array:
> line = []
> startIndex = array.index(letter)
> for indexNum in range(startIndex, startIndex + (skip - 1), 1):
> if indexNum > (len(array) - 1):
> break
> else:
> line.append(array[indexNum])
> for indexNum in range(startIndex + skip, (startIndex +
> lineSize) + 1, 1):
> if indexNum > (len(array) - 1):
> break
> else:
> line.append(array[indexNum])
> f.writelines(line)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C:\>more kakaDump.txt
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 5
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 6
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 74
> 5
> 6
> 5
> 6
> 76
> 77
> For those familiar with neural networks, the input file is a time
> series and the output file needs to have 3 lagged variables for
> training and a (two time steps ahead) variable for the target. Ie:
> input file
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> 7
> output file
> 1 2 3 5
> 2 3 4 6
> 3 4 5 7
> 4 5 6
> 5 6 7
> 6 7
> 7
> Thanks in advanced,
> D.
I think your file kaka.txt lacks a CR-LF i.e. '\n' i.e. "Enter" after
the last line.
To get the desired output format you also need to drop the CR-LF:s after
each line to have the required values printed on the same line. Here's
my version of your code with a couple remarks added:
f = open('kaka.txt','r')
# The Windows root directory C:\ is a special directory
# designed to be used by Windows itself. To put it
# politely: it's unwise to do program development in
# that directory
array = f.readlines()
# This drops the '\n' from each line:
array = [x[:-1] for x in array]
#print array
f = open('kakaDump.txt','w')
lineSize = 4
skip = 4
condition = 1
startIndex = 0
for letter in array:
line = []
startIndex = array.index(letter)
for indexNum in range(startIndex, startIndex + (skip - 1), 1):
if indexNum > (len(array) - 1):
# This adds a space between each item in a row
# and after the last item, but it's "only" a space:
line.append(' ')
for indexNum in range(startIndex + skip, (startIndex +
lineSize) + 1, 1):
if indexNum > (len(array) - 1):
# This completes the line:
I also have my own completely different version which to me looks
cleaner than yours but as they say: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
lineSize = 4
lsm1 = lineSize - 1
f = open('kaka.txt','r')
inData =
inLst = inData.split()
inCount = len(inLst)
inLst += [' ']*lineSize
print inLst
f = open('kakaDump.txt','w')
for ind,elem in enumerate(inLst):
if ind == inCount: break
for i in range(lsm1): f.write('%s ' % inLst[ind + i])
f.write('%s\n' % inLst[ind + lineSize])
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