Rational numbers

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 18:09:47 EST 2007

aleaxit at gmail.com wrote:

> gmpy itself is or should be pretty trivial to build on any platform
> (and I'll always happily accept any fixes that make it better on any
> specific platform, since it's easy to make them conditional so they'll
> apply to that platform only), but the underlying GMP is anything but:-
> (.

Alex, have you had a look at SAGE?


it uses GMP extensively, so they've had to patch it to work around these
issues.  You can look at the SAGE release (they package everything as the
original tarball + patches) for the GMP-specific stuff you need, though I
suspect you'll still want to play with SAGE a little bit :).  It's a mighty
impressive system.



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